Thursday, March 13, 2014


ONE DAY, IT'LL BE TOO LATE TO BEG FOR HIS MERCY! God has called you often through his servants preaching on Facebook, through Radio, TV, Satellite, Pamphlets, Christian magazine and in Churches; but still you won't come to him. God have pleaded, he has warned you that your sins could land you in HELL and in LAKE OF FIRE, but all in vain. For you have spurned His counsel and reproof. You said, "I don't need God and neither would I listen to his call." Or you're telling God that it will be later because you wanna enjoy your life now. Some day you'll be in trouble, when you stand naked before Him in judgment. God will have the last laugh, He will laugh at you! Will you mock Him as you're doing now, will you?---God will mock you! When a storm of terror surrounds you, and when you are engulfed by anguish and distress. When you're seeing the results of your wayward life that is going to end HELL and in LAKE OF FIRE. That day; you will cry for mercy. Then God will not answer your called for help. It will be too late even though you want to go back to the world to amend and search for God anxiously. God will not have mercy that day. For you closed your eyes to the (gospel) facts and did not choose to (serve)reverence and trust the Lord, and you turned your back on God, spurning his advice. That is why you must eat the bitter fruit of having your own way, and experience the full terrors of the pathway you have chosen. For you turned away from the living God who is offering you eternity in paradise---preferring death in LAKE OF FIRE; your own complacency will kill (destroy) you. FOOLS! But listen! All who will listen to God and serve him without shame shall live in peace and safety, unafraid in paradise! Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, Apostles, Bishop Revd.....your tittles will not save you that day if you still abhor sin in your life. "You hypocrites! Well did Isaish prophesy of you, 'These poeple say they honour me, but their hearts are far away,' Their worship is worthiless, for they teach their man-made (preaching)laws instead of those from God." Matthew.15:7-9LB. Your purnishment will be greater. REPENT REPENT REPENT REPENT............ All lukewarm Christians and unbelievers. Forsake all your evil ways, seek the Lord and He will accept you. God's standard of Truth, Righteousness and Holiness has not Changed for any race, any people and any generation. This is what qualify your entry to heaven. I HAVE DELIVER THE MESSAGE TO YOU! You will have no excuses that very day if you fail to listen and to amend your ways. "NOW IS THE TIME! Never forget the warning, "Today if you hear God's voice speaking to you, do not harden your hearts against Him..." Hebrew.3:15. Samul Chrys Obayemi

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