Tuesday, March 18, 2014
This meeting was held in HELL, among present were Beelzebul{devil} &his demons of various works on earth. All of them have names but I shall discribe them with their works here, and A, B, C.....etc shall be giving to them as name.
BEELZEBUL {devil}: I welcome you to this meeting. As you all know that our time is very short, the coming of that RIGHTEOUS MAN is approaching. And we must do all what it takes to bring as many unbelievers and christians to this place {Hell}, hahahaha!!!
You must tell me now how far you have gone in discharging your duties.
DEMONIC F: My name is Demonic F, am in charge of film-Industry. I breath on them to put aside any movies that can turn people to that HOLY MAN and to produce devil inspired movies that contain pornography.
Through this nudity &pornographic movies, I have won many souls of young/old to the kingdom I also market this movies for them and I encourage youths to patronize them, thus: I corrupt their minds.
DEMONIC B: My name is Demonic B, am in charge of Broadcasting stations {Radio and TV stations}.
I put it into their minds to play worthless and seductive music of our agents.
I brainwash them to air various seductive programmes that the people were interested in.
Through this and many more I've corrupt the minds of young Christians, many have indulge in sin and I lead them to Hell hahahaha.
DEMONIC C: My name is Demonic C, am also in charge of Churches. There were many stubborn pastors I can't convert but I've been able to change their preaching from the fear of God, second coming of that MAN OF TRUTH, Righteousness and Holiness messages to blessings, prosperity and motivational preaching.
Those who I can't change their preaching, I simply allow sleeping spirit to deal with their members. I allow dancing & ceremonies to take the larger part of the service why few minutes is left for sermon.
I encourage old men & the youths to bring News Paper/Sport News to the Church, this they enjoing reading while sermon is going on.
I remind the women about their business, schooling problems, those that offend them and those that wear dressess that is better than theirs in the service.
The thoughts of these I allow to occupied their minds during sermon.
With these tactics they go home without been blessed, hahahahah.
DEMONIC D: My name is Demonic D, am assigned to deal with Devoted Christians.
There are still many stubborn devoted Christian who doesn't care even if the cloud rains fire, or cold. They never skip Church programmes, always steadfast and fervent in prayers.
On sunday, I simply arrange unannounced vistor to those who are not wise among them. I inject virus of weariness slowly on them till they wear off in prayer & Church activities.
I inject some with the spirit of anger which chase away their gaurd {holy-spirit} in them.
I afflicted some with desease and problems they are nursing which make them have no time for God again. thus: most of them had neglect their first love for God. And they backslide.
DEMONIC N: My name is Demonic N, am in charge of News Pappers & cloths factory.
It is my job to make sure that the News pappers are filled with sad news, rumour, polluted stories and story of embezzlers that creat resentments in heart of the reader.
I also allow special page like dating, nude & pornograhic pictures and sex related discusions for the youth.
I inspired the factory to produce sexy cloths for the girls, the one that reflects their body.
And for the boys, sagging trousers and shirts that bears the pictures, marks, symbol and design of ours. I've gotten many followers, hahaha. DEMONIC M: My name is Demonic M, am responsible for Marriage, Divorce & Immorality.
I've destroy many unbelievers marrige with some ungrounded christian homes too.
I simply creat enmity {hostile} and mis-understand in their family which gererate to quarrel, and from there to beating from beating to divorce.
After divorce I expose their children to drugs & many evil acts.
I spread the spirit of Immorality among the people, both old and young indulge in sexual sin.
I arrange attractive marine ladies for the hard-headed bachelor Christian and our rich agents for their girls. Only few of them in spirit decipher this plan. Hahaha the demon boast.
DEMONIC L: My name is Demonic L, am in charge of controlling the World Leaders.
I control them to make citizen groan under their leadership especially the Christian.
I influence them to make promises they'll never fulfilled.
I put in them to make immoral laws. I make them run out of ideas by channel the peoples resource into inappropriate place.
I spread the spirit of greediness among the leaders. I intoxicate them with abuse of power. I make most of the less or top government officials demands bribe and I influence them to lure the young christian ladies seeking for job to sexual sin, hahahaha.
DEMONIC I: My name is Demonic I, am in charge of Internet and Social Media.
I have inspired many social media to be created. I encourage both young and old to tour internet for HOURS including some so call Christian.
I creat nude & pornograhy movies sites which young and old can dawnload free, with chatting and dating which many young boys & girls involved in.
I allow many people to post devil inspired interesting story on social medial which their addict can't afford to missed.
I make this as avenue to the people to express their sexual passion.
I have won many soul explain how they are carrying out their plans successfully on earth with pleasure.
Finally, the devil {Beelzebul} spoke!!!
Beelzebul {Devil}:
You have done well! But we have no time, increase your fuel, double your power, refine your tactics and be very cunning.
Go to the Christians and use your tactics on them but becareful of the stubborn and devoted ones, they're very dangerous with their gaurdian angel.
Go to Radio & Tv stations, manipulate their programmes the more.
Go to the film-Indulstry, inspire them to produce more seductive and cancerous movies.
Introduce more nudity & porn movies on social media in the internet.
Inspire the youths and baby christian to spend more time on it.
The same thing goes to the News Papper and cloths factory. Let them produce more sexy tops and skirts. Let the news pappers be more filfilled with bad news.
Go to the service on sunday, turn the heart of the people away from the sermon. Inspire the pastors to drop messages on the coming of that MAN, holiness and righteousness; replace it with mere motivation and prosperity sermon.
Go Go Go the time is very short, devil concluded!!!!!
Be careful----watch out for attacks from satan, your great enemy. He prowls around like hungry, roaring lion, looking for some victim to tear apart.
Stand firm when he attacks.
put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of satan.
For we are not fighting against people made with flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies---the evil rulers of unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge members of wicked spirits in the spirit world.........
Written by the help of Holy-Spirit
on the 17-18th of Feb. 2013.
Love you in Christ.
Samuel Chrys Obayemi
Friday, March 14, 2014
In a life that we see friends, family members and loved ones in the morning and before evening, they were no more.
We were born as a baby, grow up as an adult and, even the best of these years are often emptiness and pain; soon we disappear, and we are gone.
The soil becomes enemy of man when it was cause because of man. It grows every kinds of fruits and vegetable for us through our hard labour. Then, atlast; it swallow men and, it never satisfy of taken men in.
The rivers run into the sea and it never full, the same direction they came from, they also returns.
People are given birth to babies every seconds, and at the same time millions were leaving this vanity life without the assurrance of making heaven.
Going to the cementary always makes me think about my creator and the awareness of where am going to. An elderly man who never think the day of his death is a foolish person.
one of the things that people don't want to hear is DEATH.
Your wealth, fame, position and education
cannot save you, it will all ends here in this vanity world.
You'll leave behind your wife, husband, children, friends and loved ones.
And this vanity life you so cheriched.
You'll stand naked, not even with small pant to cover your nakedness, you'll account your life.
DEAR FRIENDS: remember that, the same water that makes the fish to survive in the river; the same water turn-out to be the enemy of the fish when being cooked.
This Life is in Christ. Eternal life is in him, and this life gives light to all mankind.
Why not accept Christ today or re-dedicate your life to Him when you have the chance now, tomorrow might just be TOO LATE.
Samuel Chys OBayemi.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
God has called you often through his servants preaching on Facebook, through Radio, TV, Satellite, Pamphlets, Christian magazine and in Churches; but still you won't come to him.
God have pleaded, he has warned you that your sins could land you in HELL and in LAKE OF FIRE, but all in vain. For you have spurned His counsel and reproof. You said, "I don't need God and neither would I listen to his call." Or you're telling God that it will be later because you wanna enjoy your life now.
Some day you'll be in trouble, when you stand naked before Him in judgment. God will have the last laugh, He will laugh at you! Will you mock Him as you're doing now, will you?---God will mock you!
When a storm of terror surrounds you, and when you are engulfed by anguish and distress. When you're seeing the results of your wayward life that is going to end HELL and in LAKE OF FIRE.
That day; you will cry for mercy. Then God will not answer your called for help. It will be too late even though you want to go back to the world to amend and search for God anxiously.
God will not have mercy that day. For you closed your eyes to the (gospel) facts and did not choose to (serve)reverence and trust the Lord, and you turned your back on God, spurning his advice.
That is why you must eat the bitter fruit of having your own way, and experience the full terrors of the pathway you have chosen.
For you turned away from the living God who is offering you eternity in paradise---preferring death in LAKE OF FIRE; your own complacency will kill (destroy) you. FOOLS!
But listen! All who will listen to God and serve him without shame shall live in peace and safety, unafraid in paradise!
Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, Apostles, Bishop Revd.....your tittles will not save you that day if you still abhor sin in your life.
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaish prophesy of you, 'These poeple say they honour me, but their hearts are far away,' Their worship is worthiless, for they teach their man-made (preaching)laws instead of those from God." Matthew.15:7-9LB. Your purnishment will be greater.
All lukewarm Christians and unbelievers. Forsake all your evil ways, seek the Lord and He will accept you.
God's standard of Truth, Righteousness and Holiness has not Changed for any race, any people and any generation. This is what qualify your entry to heaven.
You will have no excuses that very day if you fail to listen and to amend your ways.
"NOW IS THE TIME! Never forget the warning, "Today if you hear God's voice speaking to you, do not harden your hearts against Him..." Hebrew.3:15.
Samul Chrys Obayemi
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE!Does God really exist? And if he exist, why is so much injustice and evil in the world? If he is so loving, caring and powerful as Christians profess, why can't he curtail the evil men or probably protects those Christians that were devoted to him from expressing similar problems and conditions that the people of the world combat with? All these and many more are the questions raised when people are going through difficult situations in life, even Christians are not left-out.I am a kind of a weak person in the flesh but I have enomous strength in Christ becuase I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..Phil.4:13. Over the years years, I sometimes have this pain, a chronic back and waist pain; sometimes once in a year or once once in three years. The last one before God healed me was a severe one, it was so severe that I could not walk, could not seat and
Does God really exist? And if he exist, why is so much injustice and evil in the world? If he is so loving, caring and powerful as Christians profess, why can't he curtail the evil men or probably protects those Christians that were devoted to him from expressing similar problems and conditions that the people of the world combat with? All these and many more are the questions raised when people are going through difficult situations in life, even Christians are not left-out.
I am a kind of a weak person in the flesh but I have enomous strength in Christ becuase I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..Phil.4:13.
Over the years years, I sometimes have this pain, a chronic back and waist pain; sometimes once in a year or once once in three years. The last one before God healed me was a severe one, it was so severe that I could not walk, could not seat and even I found no comfort in lying down.
All the drugs prescribed by the physician was to no avail. Many hours of prayers and vigil (more than three days) from my virtuous godly praying mother seemed not to improve the situation. When I could not bear the severe pains any longer, I cried out to God to dismiss my spirit; as that will eased the pain.
I remembered, and I realized the the emotional distressed and perplexed state of mind of my godly mother when I asked God to take away my life as she wept profusely. And we wept together! Finally, God heard her prayers, I was healed (Isaiah.53:4-5:, Romans.8:18-23). Chronic back and waist pain gone!
I am a reserved person, I value privacy but someone might be reading this story whose condition is similar or worse than mine. This will give such person encouragement to hold on.
Yours might be different to mine, yours might even worse; you may be solely pressed by temptations, troubles, trials and trauma; I want to tell you that God knows what you are going through now, and he cares.
Christian walk/race is not for the weak in the spirit but for the strong, sometimes; you might be weak in the flesh but you will never walk alone, Christ is with you.
"Don't let your mind, kneels, spirit, faith, love, patience be affected by weakness; because it will take strong faith, love, conviction, courage, and commitment to face the challenges ahead." -CWM, p.5.
Dear friends. Life is full of hard trials, and maybe yours is:
* Bereaved or Deppression?
* Rejection or Persecution?
* Bewildered or Disoriented?
* Perplexed or Trauma?
* Anxiety or Worry?
* Lost or Confused?
* Childlessness or unrest family malady?
* Single and Searching?
* Seeking Admission?
Do not stray or sway away from Christ because of these problems. Hold on to Christ in your Christian journey. Consider the lyrics of this song, You Will Never Walk Alone:
"Along life's road, there will be sunshine and rain, roses and thorns, laughter and pain.
And 'cross the miles, you will face mountains so steep, deserts so long, and valleys so deep.
Sometimes, the journey's gentle, sometimes, the cold winds blow.
But I want you to remember, I want you to know you will never walk alone.......
Jesus will be beside you all the way."
No matter what, remain faithful in your devotion to God. Your situation might be worse than mine. Believe me: there will never be a good reason to turn your back on Jesus. Do not seek solution somewhere else, there is no solution to human problems apart from Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only solution to human problems.
As I conclude: consider this Old Hymn......
"Yeild not to temptation, for yeilding is sin
Each victory will help you some others to win.
Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue,
Look over to Jesus. He will carry you through!"
Be encourage, be genuine Christian and be faithful. Because God reward the sincere and the faithful. As you journey in this perverse world that is full of hard trials, hold on to JESUS; You Will Never Walk Alone.
God bless you.
Samuel C. Obayemi
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